What You'll Get:

✔️ EVERYTHING you need to do Montessori with baby from birth-2 years (broken down by non-mobile baby sitting/slithering/crawling/cruising baby, and walking young toddlers

✔️ An unmatched, newfound confidence as their Montessori Mama

✔️ How to do Montessori home environment setup at each stage in infancy

✔️ Entire list of Montessori Baby Materials (+ links, when to offer/rotate, how to's!)

✔️ Access to our Monti Babies Course FB Group (with Mamas from around the 🌎!)

✔️ Direct support from me (in our FB Group, Messenger, and emails!)

✔️ How to use the Montessori approach to handle behaviors

✔️ And more (see curriculum below)!!

Want a sneak peak?!


Bianca A. Solorzano, M.Ed.

Hi! I'm Bianca. An Infant Development and Montessori Consultant, Early Childhood Advocate, Montessori Infant Teacher, Host of Montessori Babies Podcast, Founder of Baby Tour Guide, and Montessori Mother to my sweet boy.🤍

Over the last decade I gained field experience and my unique approach through...

🔅 Running my own Montessori Baby Class (Nido), teaching Montessori Mommy and Me, and giving talks at various Parent Education Events

🔅 Getting my AMI Montessori Training (Birth - 3 years), along with my B.S. in Child Development and Master's in Montessori Education

🔅 Learning how to assess development and implement Montessori ideas at just the right time for each unique baby

🔅 Supporting my own baby's development through Montessori Parenting at home

And now...

I help parents find their Montessori Parenting flow through my step-by-step process as they learn to support their baby's development through Montessori!

“I have absolutely LOVED this course, and I have recommended to so many of my friends. The best thing I have got from the course is confidence. I feel so confident in how I approach parenting, (...). I feel so much more prepared and its made me less stressed out too. I feel I am able to parent in a way that is gentle, thoughtful and focusing on his developmental, emotional and physical needs. I feel it's helped free up time for me to be so much more present with my baby.(...) If you are undecided about whether to go for it - I say YES go for it! It's been such a big beautiful game changer for me and has made me and baby's life so much richer for it.(...)”

Becky C., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student


Choose a Pricing Option

This Montessori Babies Course 🌻

is a self-paced, 100% online program with a step-by-step process designed to get you


  • Not knowing how or where to begin or how to find your confidence
  • The overwhelming amount of information on the internet
  • Lack of time for research


  • Feeling confident and ready to support your baby's development at home through this proven step-by-step process
  • Transforming your new parenting journey from busy chaos to child-led peace
  • Knowing what Montessori Infant Materials to offer, where to find them, how to offer them, and when to rotate them for your child
  • Being fully inspired, empowered, and encouraged to create a Montessori Experience that is just right for you and your baby!

Thereby laying an incredible foundation for a your baby's lifetime!


  Welcome Module
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: The Prepared Adult
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Supporting Baby Development Pt .1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Supporting Baby Development Pt .2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Understanding Montessori for Babies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: The Non-Mobile Baby
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: The Sitting, Slithering, Crawling, and Cruising Baby
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: The Montessori Feeding Experience
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8: The Walking Baby (Young Toddler)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9: Addressing Phases, Transitions, & Behavioral Expressions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Schooling Options
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Share Your Testimonial
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

From how our sweet babies will eventually learn in school to how they form relationships and beyond...

Your baby is laying a foundation that sets a trajectory for their entire life.❤️

Choose a Pricing Option

Ease into parenthood equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to support your baby’s development through Montessori!

“Bianca has created an approachable yet deeply rich learning experience for parents and caregivers who are committing to living Montessori with our children. I feel well informed and inspired to learn more! Having the modules available for replay will prove to be a huge help as I dive into Montessori Motherhood.”

Spencer M., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student



When does this course start and finish?

This course begins on March 20th, 2022 and never ends! It's a completely self-paced program - so you can go through the lessons at a time that works best for you and your baby. There are 9 Modules with 6 lessons per module. Each lesson is info-packed & less than 10 minutes so you can listen or watch the lesson as quick inspiration in the morning, whilst on a walk, in the shower, as you wind down the end of your day, or whatever works best for you!

Can you start The Montessori Babies Course at any point in Infancy? 

Absolutely! This course is formatted so the first couple modules create a foundational understanding. The next few modules are sectioned by stage of development within Infancy... so whether you are an expectant parent hoping to prep in advance, your baby is a newborn, or your baby is 10-12 months you can absolutely benefit from this course! (We also venture into the transition from Infancy to Toddlerhood with The Walking Baby Module!)

Does this course show you where to buy Montessori Furniture and Materials?

Yes! One reason I created this course was so that you are able to build a Montessori experience that works for your baby, your home, and your lifestyle... while also understanding the "why" behind everything!

How long do I keep this course after I enroll?

You keep this course for a lifetime! I actually encourage you to come back to it for continued inspiration and/or use it with multiple children!

Is this course a Montessori Training?

No. Taking this course does not offer a certification in Montessori from Birth - 3. This course is a personal, professional, and parental development experience that I created based off of my years of experience, Montessori Training, Child Development Studies, and Montessori Masters - to help you ease into your Montessori journey with your sweet baby!

If you have any further questions about this course, feel free to send an email to [email protected]. I'm happy to help!

More Testimonials!🥰


"The course provides a very deep understanding of Infant/ Child Development and how we can Aid them in the best possible ways to be their better versions. It made me realize I was interfering in his work/ Play too much which led to decreased attention in my LO’s case.”

Parul H., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student


"(...)The course has been so helpful with implementing Montessori at home!”

Brittany W., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student


"I love how you made it concise & informative. I'm happy that it also includes audio version. It came in handy when I'm on walks with my son. Thank you also for being so responsive in email and instagram. :) You inspire us!.”

Jennifer R., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student


"It was fabulouse and when I have the money I'm taking your next one.”

Karynna M., New Montessori Mama + MBC Student
